Parent Support & Advice
Caring for a child on the autism spectrum can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but for many parents it can also feel extremely overwhelming, stressful and isolating. This may be due to the child's inability to socialise and communicate and their lack of self-help and play skills. Other problematic areas may include sensory processing deficits as well as challenging behaviour.
Public stigma and having to negotiate the complex path of the special needs education system, can make parenting an autistic child a difficult and daunting experience.
The crisis in education funding for children with autism has forced many parents into prolonged legal battles to secure appropriate educational support. Many schools have reduced their intake of pupils with Education Health Care Plans due to insufficient funds. A worrying statistic based on research by the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers is that 60% of teachers in England do not feel they have had adequate training to teach children on the autism spectrum. Consequently, autistic children may not be getting the educational support that they desperately need and deserve.
How I can help
I can work closely with you to nurture and support your child’s emotional, social and academic development. I can support you before and after your child receives a diagnosis.
I can guide you through your child's Educational Health Care and Individual Education Plan. I can also help to interpret the jargon which can be scary, vague and unfriendly.
I can empower you by helping you understand your statutory rights to the services available for you and your child so you can be proactive instead of reactive.
I can support you by answering your questions, addressing your worries and help you further your understanding of the nature of autism.
I can help you make more informed decisions about the vast array of intervention methods available so that you do not waste valuable time and money when buying services to help your child.
I can provide practical strategies at home and help to reorganise your living space to make family life easier and more enjoyable for all.
“Within every living child exists the most precious bud of self-identity. To search this out and foster it with loving care; that is the essence of educating an autistic child.”
Dr. Kiyo Kitahara
Free initial phone consultation
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